<M E S S> jumped into the new expansion release of Depths of Darkhollow that launched this week on Mangler.
With some old faces and new we ventured through our progression as a unit to make quick work of the expansion.
What is consistent in all of these photos?
Do you see it? Do you smell it?
Well yes, dead bosses flawlessly executed; however, I was really talking about Roamaar’s inability to keep their clothes on!
With great effort from our guild members we were able to get gain Vule access through a familiar face … right Byun?
Getting 12 flags at a time for a non-boxing raid guild is an interesting thing, but we made it work the <M E S S> way!
Now the time came to venture into the Demiplane of Blood to execute the final mission, no <MESS>ing around let’s get the job do…. dammit Roamaar!
Nonetheless, a fantastic job with great people
A terrific performance .. get it…?
Way to go <M E S S> another expansion done, quickly, quietly and effectively.
Looking for a guild filled real players at every raid? Enjoy fun times with a close knit community always welcoming newcomers? Want to raid 8 hours straight at expansion rel.. oh we don’t do that? Oh right.
Join <M E S S> today! Please visit our discord: https://discord.gg/7U233X2Gfj to apply or feel free to reach out to any officer in game Steel, Byun, Diss, Jeszi, Snah, Zevron. We’d be happy to chat and answer any questions.